Nestopia for the Mac is a watered down version of the PC emulator. If you want controller support you need to download Emulator Enhancer. You need to have a Mac that runs on at least 600 mhz for Nestopia to work. Open it and you should be able to use Nestopia. Just download the file and it will mount on your desktop. Bright Hub will not tell you where to find roms, so don’t ask. Acquiring roms that you do not own a hard copy of is illegal. Remember, to emulate NES games with Nestopia you need to have the NES roms. Sure, Nestopia works if you want to emulate NES games on your Mac at the barest level, but it could be so much more.

Unfortunately, the Mac version does not have all of the fancy emu stuff the PC version comes with. Nestopia is a really good emulator on the PC.